One-full year Master Degree Programme
Main Scientific Themes: Management, Engineering and Logistics
ECTS: 60
Delivery format: Intensive modules
Registered at DGES under n. º R/A-Cr 155/2021
Accredited by A3ES
Master in Maritime Logistics | NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA (unl.pt)
NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA (https://www.fct.unl.pt/en/education/course/master-maritime-logistics)
The Master in Maritime Logistics (MML) is a one-year innovative international joint master's degree programme delivered by the Portuguese Naval Academy and NOVA SST. This programme will be fully delivered in English and presents a chance to become the professional in maritime logistics the industry is looking for. The programme fosters optimal technical and managerial preparation, oriented towards current and future challenges faced by the industry, such as digitalization and multicultural interconnectedness, combined with valuable on-field experience. This programme assembles a fundamental set of knowledge in Logistics, with additional domains in Industrial Engineering and Management, which allows professionals from the maritime-port industry to develop the relevant research, innovation, technical, digital, and soft skills within the framework of industry related needs, including critical reasoning and proactive problem-solving.
The demand for Blue Skills is expected to increase in the coming years, significantly impacting the areas of maritime transportation, shipbuilding and related services. Young professionals without prior maritime specific education will have the opportunity to join the maritime industry that is expected to be in high demand of skilled specialists. The modules delivery format, being designed as intensive courses lasting one-week are suitable for applicants interested in attending just their particular subjects of interest.
Escola Naval – Postgraduate Studies
Professor Pedro Água | Borda.de.Agua@marinha.pt
NOVA School of Science & technology
Professor Helena Carvalho | hmlc@fct.unl.pt